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How to use this website
- The easiest way to find a topic is using the search bar on the front page. Type in keywords such as: covalent bond or resonance structures. Pages with relevant topics should be listed.
- If you ever get lost, just click on the “< Table of Contents” link in the upper right hand corner and this should bring you back to the front page.
- Finally, at the bottom of each page are buttons for the next topic and the previous topic in the section.
- Each topic has an INTRODUCTION, instructions on HOW TO answer the problem, and EXAMPLES. After reading each section, find problems related to the topic and test your ability to do these problems. Understanding this material and knowing how to do the problems ‘in theory‘ is not enough. You need to be practice applying these instructions to actual problems. (Future plans include the incorporation of relevant problems at the end of each topic.) Some topics also have ADVANCED TOPICS, that go beyond the basics skills.
- It is important to reiterate that this website is not comprehensive. It does not cover all the topics in the first semester organic course. However, topics are continually being added, usually at the request of students. Feel free to suggest future topics that you would like to see in the comments section at the bottom of each page.